In both the strategic plan of the Faculty of Humanities 2022-2027, the sector plan, and the vision document 'Vision on Humanities in the Digital World' (December 2021), Artificial Intelligence (AI) is mentioned as one of the key themes where FGW aims to strengthen itself. However, AI is a broad research area and a subject spanning multiple courses. This can include for instance developing AI as a research method, a more holistic understanding of AI in the modern world, or exploring its ethical, cultural, and social implications. The ambition is to develop a faculty research agenda on this defining theme.
To better understand the priority areas within our faculty, this brief survey seeks to clarify the research conducted on AI.
Could you help us complete the survey? It will only take approximately 5 minutes of your time.
The results will be used to: 1) explore opportunities for bringing researchers together to create synergy and facilitate better connections within networks, inside and outside our faculty (such as SAILS), and 2) to identify any recurring themes that can help us advise the Faculty Board on a profile for our faculty on this broad topic.
If you have any questions, or if you feel that this survey is too limited and you would prefer a conversation, please do not hesitate to contact Karin de Wild, coordinator of 'AI and the Digital Society', at
Your contribution is greatly appreciated, thank you!