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Oort lecture 2024
Monday 6 May 2024, start 20.00 hrs
Academy Building of Leiden University
Amount of people inside
First name
Prefix last name (in Dutch: tussenvoegsel)
Last name
E-mail address
I am
a Leiden Observatory staff member
a Leiden Observatory former staff member
a Leiden Observatory student
a Leiden Observatory alumnus
a VO-S member
I will
attend the lecture at the Academy building
watch the live stream, please send me the link
I will attend with
Do you want to attend with a larger group? Please contact us at
INVULLEN (standaard waarde): Maximum seats available in Groot Auditorium
Total amount of registered persons for Groot Auditorium
Amount of seats reserved incl this registration
Seats available: [seats_still_available]
Seats still available in Groot Auditorium
Dinner and Oortborrel in Barrera
True to tradition, the Assiciation of Former Leiden Observatory Students and Staff
(VO-S) has an informal gathering at café Barrera (Rapenburg 56) prior to the
annual Oort Lecture. In addition to VO-S members, Astronomy students and
alumni and (former) Observatory staff are more than welcome to join.
More information
17.30 hrs
Quick meal (pay your own)
18.30 hrs
Oortborrel (non-VO-S members pay 5 euros)
I am interested in joining for dinner
I will join the Oortborrel.
If you are joining the Oortborrel, the Observatory will save you (and your guests) a good seat, so you
can finish your drink without having to rush to the Academy Building.
Remarks for VO-S board (in English or Dutch)
Maximum scans
Input is required
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